About employer engagement


A range of studies have shown that young people who have a least four engagements with employers, by the end of Year 11, will be much less likely to become unemployed in the years that follow the end of their statutory education.

These engagements can cover a range of encounters including:


  • Employers visiting the school or college
  • Group visits to an employer’s premises
  • Work experience placements

The engagements can also support students with their learning across all areas of the curriculum enabling them to understand the relevance of their learning to the world of work providing inspiration and encouragement. A student who can appreciate why they are learning a subject is more likely to achieve academically and be more engaged in their learning.


Your school or college may have an employer engagement strategy with one or more members of staff taking on responsibility for the management of this engagement. It would be worthwhile your finding out about this strategy and reaching out to your institutions lead on employer engagement to see how this can help your students and your curriculum. They can help you identify opportunities for engagement and to source employers to support your curriculum.

Two of the Gatsby Benchmarks that are specifically related to engagement with employers:

Benchmark 5: Latest Opportunities This covers activities delivered outside of on an employer’s premises, providing young people with an opportunity to meet an employer and learn about their industry.
Benchmark 6: Experiences of the Workplace This relates to activities usually delivered at an employers premises which give young people the chance to understand what it might be like to work in that specific sector.